Galería Avellaneda
Teatro Nacional de Cuba
Exhibition of 24 Oil Paintings by Dragan Sekaric Shex. June 3, 2003.
Blessed be the one who respects the grief and dignity of those who suffer.
Blessed be the one who sublimates the image of anguish and turns it into a work of art.
Blessed be the one who accompanies extreme loneliness with a rich palette of life-giving colour.
Blessed be the one who paints the dreams of those who have faith.
Blessed be Dragan Sekaric who sings of life using different themes, some traditional some unconventional, but all given exquisite treatment in the creation of his work. In this artist’s work we recognize the bold combination of two artistic tendencies, two artistic techniques using oil: the vigorous impressionistic strokes of the spatula, and the languorous sfumato style which reminds us of the master Leonardo. Only this time one technique facilitates and harmonizes with the other, and both are rich in nuances.
His compositions move from such traditional forms as the triangle to the most daring deformations; they are centered in a landscape that tantalizes us with the prospect of other realms to explore. These geometrical abstractions may challenge us, the spectators, asking: What do we think about life? Where is our home? Which is our temple?
We are observing an artist who paints poetry and puts no limit on the fountain of inspiration that nurtures him. He does not control the visions that move him, nor does he deny them. He sings with all of them, recognizing the vigor of each one. His discourse is reflexive, and his canvases subject us to a continuous lecture, profound and always new.
Sekaric is more than an artist of our time. He is a master of universal scale owing to the breadth of his discourse and the range of expressive mediums he uses to communicate his ideas. The best thing is that the originality in Dragan’s art will make him a reference point for future generations of artists. This is the highest level one can reach in art, much higher than the fame that often produces commercial compromise and slows down the major attribute of a total artist … his dedication to the search.
Adrian Fidel Díaz Leal
Visual Artist and Specialist in Art Restoration
(Translated from Spanish by Daphne Harris)